Things to do now…..plant spring bulbs (it’s still not too late!)

Spring bulbs play a very important role in the garden – whilst the shrubs and perennials are sleeping, crocuses, daffodils and tulips are active underground – building strong roots before the depths of winter and emerging from the soil to put on a fantastic display of colour from late winter to late spring.

Ideally bulbs should be planted in the previous autumn, September and October are the optimum months, so the bulbs can settle in and start to develop their roots before the ground has gets too cold. However, if you haven’t done it by now it’s not too late. November has been quite mild so far so below ground temperatures are still suitable. I planted some tulips and daffodils on a very mild New Years Day a few years ago and was amazed when they actually bloomed – although not as impressive a display as normal so better to get them in the ground sooner…

Planting bulbs is easy – follow the instructions on the packet, and ensure they are placed deep enough and in the right spot – tulips and crocus’ love the sunshine, daffodils enjoy a sunny or partially shaded position.  If you don’t have space in your flower beds or only have a paved area these bulbs look amazing in pots – i like to stick to one type of bulb per pot and have a group of differing pots together. Don’t be tempted to squeeze too many bulbs in a pot as they will fight for space, and fertilise as soon as the shoots appear – once the flowers have arrived it is too late.