December Planting Inspiration - Mahonia

Mahonias are perfect for brightening up a winter garden - this evergreen shrub has glossy, spiky dark green leaves, and from late autumn and all through winter they produce long stems of bright yellow flowers that stand upright, followed by small purple/black fruits that are also very attractive. The taller varieties - such as Mahonia x media 'Charity' can grow to over 2 metres tall and their spiky leaves act as an intruder deterrent if planted on a boundary. For a more child friendly garden, try Mahonia 'Soft Caress' which stands approximately 1 metre tall and has longer softer leaves so as not to prickle the little people!

Photo by Laura-Rose-Rawlinson/iStock / Getty Images

Mahonias grow well in full sun, and semi or full shade, and cope with any soils, so they are very versatile and can work in many different areas of the garden. Plant at the back of the border with perennials in front,  when they die back in autumn, the mahonia can take centre stage and put on its beautiful show of magnificent flowers.

Photo by petrovaliliya/iStock / Getty Images
Photo by petrovaliliya/iStock / Getty Images

Once planted they look after themselves - they don't attract pests but can occasionally suffer from powdery mildew or rust, both easily treatable with a standard garden fungicide. They require little or no pruning, although mature plants can tend to become bare at the bottom of the stems - so pruning in this case can help to encourage new growth.
